Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A&P Analysis Essay

It is extremely helpful to use the numerical scale for quantifying pain severity for a patient in commit to best asses a pains origin and severity, therefore allowing for the most accurate diagnosis and pain treatment. 4. The terminal figure putting a reefer ass into place indicates moving the bone back into the synovial joint (its proper place). The pop sound occurs due to gas bubbles (nitrogen) escaping from the synovial fluid. 5. Both the raise joint and the hip joint are ball-and-socket joints, but the hip joint does not have as large a range of motion when compared to the shoulder joint.The shoulder joint is not just a bony socket, but is comprised of several tendons/muscles (as previously mentioned), synovial fluid, tendon sheaths and hyaline cartilage. Issue 3 Eye problems 1. The term for someone who has problems seeing close objects but can see objects far away is hyperopia or farsightedness. 2. Contrarily, myopia or nearsightedness is the condition of macrocosm able to see objects up close but not ones far away. 3. David appears to have hyperopia, since he needs to hold a paper at offsets length to be able to read.Issue 4 Muscle Physiology 1. The cause of the muscle cramping is hyponatremia or low blood sodium, which may have occurred by the young girl drinking a lot of water in the hot sun to try and stay hydrated, but which caused an electrolyte imbalance in her body, thus resulting in muscle cramps. 2. The muscle cramps will go away once she drinks the salt water, which will restore the necessary electrolyte balance in her body. Issue 5 Muscle Physiology Child Case History 1.The hereditary X-linked recessive disease characterized by progressive muscular weakness is called muscular muscular dystrophy, or Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). 2. Dystrophy refers to the degeneration of, in this case, muscles. 3. Muscles in the leg involved in walking on the toes are the illopsoas, gastrocnemius and soleus. As these muscles weaken, the plantar flex ors in the origination take over the job of walking. 4. The trunk muscles that weaken in certain cases of lordosis (sway back) and abdominal protuberance are the lower back muscles (erector spinae), hip flexors, abdominal muscles and the hamstrings.

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